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Positive Change for Better Living

Our sustainability agenda ‘Positive change for better living’ is an integrated part of our business strategy and our daily operations. It also defines our four focus areas with long-term ambitions and defined activities. The four focus areas are:

  1. Responsible relations
  2. Responsible operations
  3. Circular solutions
  4. Knowledge leader

We are acting and working determinedly to contribute to the Global Goals within the UN Agenda 2030 and we have made ambitious commitments to reach the 1.5 degree target from the Paris Agreement and to be a net-zero organisation by no later than 2045.

Four focus areas

Responsible relations

We work inclusively with respect for each other and raise issues concerning diversity and differences to help us to develop and grow our business. Our Code of Conduct applies for all of our brands and companies.

Responsible operations

We maintain a holistic and responsible perspective throughout the entire value chain. Our priority is the safety of the people who come into contact with our operations. We leverage the latest innovations to reduce our environmental impact and minimise waste.

Circular solutions

Our experience and knowledge drive our innovative approach to create circular lighting solutions for a better environment and a brighter future. We also offer various reuse solutions and business models when it comes to managing existing products.

Knowledge leader

We are knowledge leaders in sustainable lighting solutions, with extensive expertise in all relevant areas. Transparency and reliability contribute to our high integrity and credibility in the eyes of the business environment. Collaboration and partnerships are crucial.